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2002 Bali Bombings
2002 Bali Bombings, terrorist attack involving the explosion of three bombs on the Indonesian island of Bali on October 12, 2002, that murdered 202 people. At 11:05 pm a suicide bomb blasted in Paddy’s Bar, a locale visited by foreigners. The bar’s customers, some of whom were injured by the explosion, evacuated into the street.

Within seconds, another, more powerful car bomb exploded in front of the Sari Club, near Paddy’s. A third bomb was blow up in front of the U.S. consulate on the island of Bali, however no one was injured in that outbreak. While the common of the injured were Australian (88), Indonesian (38), and Britons (28), people from at least 21 different countries were killed in the attack. A week later, Indonesian police arrested the first of more than 30 terrorists assumed of planning and executing the bombings.

The inquiry undertaken not only by the Indonesian authorities but also by Australian and British task forces—known the terrorist organization Jemaah Islamiyah (an Islamic group) as liable for the bombings. Jemaah Islamiyah was likewise related by the Indonesian ministry to al-Qaeda, the international terrorist network created by Osama bin Laden in the late 1960s with the goal of spreading fundamentalist Islamic precepts. The U.S. Department of State indicated Jemaah Islamiyah as a foreign terrorist organization. It actually burst onto the international terrorist scene only after the 2002 Bali bombings.

After a week, police arrested Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir, the spiritual lead of Jemaah Islamiyah and one of its founders. More than 30 other people assumed of contributing in the Bali attacks were detained in the next months or years throughout Southeast Asia in a variety of ways, even in his arrest some were killed. One of them claimed that the attack was primarily as a religious guide.

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Group 2 :
Aurora Nurfitri Ayu
Fikri Hamdani
Ihsan Rafi Ghani Suparman
Sandi Ramadhana
Sarah Adilla


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Someone who inspired me

                      Muzzammil Hasbalah                                                     Muzammil Hasballah is a Architecture Engineering Student of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) class of 2011. Muzammil can read the Qur'an in a good voice so that he is believed to be the imam of the Al Lathif Mosque and the Salman Mosque in ITB.          Muzammil Hasballah was born in Sigli on September 21, 1993 in Paya Tijue Village, Gampong Lhang Village, Pidie District.  He is the youngest of three siblings from  Drs H Hasballah Usman (late) and Dra Hj Hasnidar Sulaiman.  His father is headmaster in Senior High School  in Pidie, and  his mother is a teacher.       Many things that made me very inspired by Muzzammil, many Muzzammil behaviors that should be imitated by teenagers     Hiss mother, teach her children in education and religion from an early age.          And the results of discipline and hard work, Muzammil not only good in knowledge , but he also ca