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My Last Holiday

My Last Holiday
 After 6 mount I studied in SMAN 3 Bandung, finally I got time for I refresh my mind from the tiring activity, like assigment, homework, ukbm, etc. I got 14 day for I refreshing my mind.
I most spend my holiday for sleep, because in last 6 mount I not have  enough sleep.Other than that, I spend my time for watching film, youtube, netflix, etc.
 But interrupted day I with my family went to mall for shopping our needs like clothes, snack, etc. I and my family usually buy  our needs in Istana Plaza. We choose Istana Plaza for buy our needs because this mall is have things our need, like a clothes, pants, shorts, jewerly, bag, furniture, etc.  Not only thing here, we can also find food, tradisional food or modern food,  and everythings what we need, must available here.
Other than Istana Plaza, I and my family, usually buy our needs in Balubur Town Square. Not like Istana Plaza, this place is filled with clothes, and in this place we can't find branded things, not like in Istana Plaza.



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Arya: "Hi, Ihsan . How are you?" Ihsan: "Hi, arya .I'm fine, thank you, and how about you?" Arya :"I'm good also. By the way have you got chemistry test?" Ihsan :" Yes I got it and Alhamdulillah I've got excellent point." Arya: '' Wow... you so Amazing, how can you do that ?" lhsan :" Well, I just study hard and pray to Allah, and how about you?'' Arya:" Is not to bad, I've got 90." Ihsan :" well, is't good, bye the way have you got math test?" Arya '." Yes I got it." Ihsan :" How is it? , is't hard?" Arya:"well, is not to hard." Ihsan :" is it? do you got excellent point?" Arya :" Alhamdulillah I've got excellent point." Ihsan :" wow..that so good, how do you do that?" Arya :" well, i do the same like you, don't forget next week we will be a test." ihsan:" what tes

Someone who inspired me

                      Muzzammil Hasbalah                                                     Muzammil Hasballah is a Architecture Engineering Student of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) class of 2011. Muzammil can read the Qur'an in a good voice so that he is believed to be the imam of the Al Lathif Mosque and the Salman Mosque in ITB.          Muzammil Hasballah was born in Sigli on September 21, 1993 in Paya Tijue Village, Gampong Lhang Village, Pidie District.  He is the youngest of three siblings from  Drs H Hasballah Usman (late) and Dra Hj Hasnidar Sulaiman.  His father is headmaster in Senior High School  in Pidie, and  his mother is a teacher.       Many things that made me very inspired by Muzzammil, many Muzzammil behaviors that should be imitated by teenagers     Hiss mother, teach her children in education and religion from an early age.          And the results of discipline and hard work, Muzammil not only good in knowledge , but he also ca